Jennifer Rogers
I am so glad to hear from you and that things are going well!
Prior to seeing you, my husband and I were trying to have a baby for well over a year and had been referred to the Fertility Clinic. Your services were brought to my attention by a friend and I was happy to try acupuncture for my fertility issues. You were so calm and caring and you quickly had me on a plan for my fertility issues. I saw you twice weekly and you also gave me an herbal drink to take daily. I began my sessions with you in June and by mid August was expecting! It was ironic that the week I found out I also got a phone call from the Fertility Clinic about my first appointment. Needless to say it was great to call and tell them I didn't need the appointment anymore! Now I have a happy 18 month old and things are going great! Thank you for everything!
Thanks Again,
Melina Martin
Well, I told you I would keep you updated on our IVF progress... it was a
success!!! We got the news on Friday and we are ecstatic!!Well, I told you I would keep you updated on our IVF progress... it was asuccess!!! We got the news on Friday and we are ecstatic!! Thank you so
much for your contribution to our success! I appreciate you very much!
Sadie was born June 20:) thanks for all of your help durning my pregnancy,
I couldn't have done it without you! You were my saving grace and helped
me through such a rough time. Thank you.
I will see you soon, enjoy your summer!
Maria Ersson
I have never felt as good as I did during the acupuncture and Dr.Fei Fei has given me a very precious gift. We spent about $5000 just on IVF medications ( not even mentioning the embryo transfer because we never got there......)compared to about$3000 with Dr.Fei Fei.
Eliza K.
I am happy to tell you that I am expecting! I was enormously shocked and
delighted when we found out over Christmas - THANK YOU so much for helping
us. We are truly amazed that after all these years we were finally able to
conceive naturally!
I am emailing because I am keen to use the remaining appointments that I have
available and would like to book in for next Saturday, if possible.
Again, thank you so much. I would love to write a recommendation/success
story for you if you would like. I tell everyone you are a miracle worker!
Lisa Marion
I learned from Fei Fei about the importance of changing some thins in my diet(like avoiding cold foods ... ...) in order to support and bring energy and balance to my system... ... I was able to bring my body back into balance and as a result after 6 months of following Fei Fei's treatments.
Although I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (a form of arthritis) since the age of 19, I had been in remission for many years. In the summer of 2009, about a year after the birth of my second son, I had a flare, breaking out in a full-body rash, rendering it difficult to walk and putting me on prednisone for several months. Although I improved substantially with medical treatment and regular massage, a year later I was still struggling with continued symptoms, particularly related to my skin.
No stranger to alternative medicine (I have been using naturopathy for many years), I agreed with my husband's suggestion to try acupuncture with Dr. Lu, even though the thought of needles made me a little nervous. At my first visit, Dr. Lu examined my tongue and checked my pulse, asking me specific questions about my overall health and symptoms, before administering the first treatment.
After a few weeks of twice-weekly treatments, I was no longer getting the hives/rashes and was feeling better, and cut down on the frequency of my treatments. A few months later, I began taking the medicinal herbs that Dr. Lu suggested to further enhance my health and address some other issues.
I continue to see Dr. Lu once every three weeks for acupuncture and still take the medicinal herbs, which she adjusts to take care of whatever my body needs. Despite a very stressful life and a chronic illness, I have been essentially pain and rash-free for three years, which I am certain is a direct result of my treatment by Dr. Lu. As an added benefit, the many moles on my back have started to fade. It took many months, but the herbs really did make that happen, contrary to my dermatologist's assertions that the moles were just a fact of life and aging that I would have to live with.
Dr. Lu has also been able to address some ongoing health issues experienced by my young son that medical doctors and the naturopath were not able to relieve. Since he is too young for acupuncture, she performs Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising. This releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates blood flow and healing.
Dr. Lu is a calm, caring practitioner. I rely on her to help me maintain my health and prevent illness. She will continue to be a member of my family's health care team.
Danny Foster
On March 14th, 2011, I experienced my seventh motor vehicle accident. In five of those accidents I was rear ended while stopped at a pedestrian crossing and while stopped at a Red Light.
On this particular accident on March 14th I was driving 60km/hr and another vehicle failed to look correctly before executing a left turn across my path and I T-boned the vehicle. My airbags/seatbelt saved me from being paralyzed and from being killed. A couple of days later I started treatments for my injuries which were whiplash related injuries to my neck, shoulders, upper, mid, lower back, and both knees...I was a mess. After two months I had 12 Massage Therapy treatments, 12 Medical Acupuncture treatments and 3 Chiropractor treatments. I was still in a great deal of pain and discomfort, I had a very difficult time sleeping, had a hard time getting out of bed and walked with a limp. Even though I was grateful that I was still alive, my quality of life suffered. I went from being a very active person to a couch potato and gained 30lbs in the process.
A good friend of mine saw me in pain and discomfort and highly referred and recommended me to see Dr. Fei Fei Lu. I called Dr. Fei Fei Lu the next day and made an appointment. On May 17th, 2011 Dr. Fei Fei did a thorough examination and questioned me on all my previous car accidents and personal injuries...The first thing she jokingly told me was that after being involved in seven motor vehicle accidents “it was time for me to start taking the bus.”
I started feeling better after the first treatment, after my fifth appointment I was able to start walking pain free without limping, after the tenth treatment I was able to start working out again at the gym to re-strength my core and body. And after my fifteenth treatment I was able to start being active again and enjoying all my summer activities. When I first came in to see Dr. Fei Fei Lu in May... on a scale out of 10 my pain level felt like a 12 and after my fifteen treatments my pain level lowered to between a 2 – 4 depending on how active I’ve been or how much luggage I travelled with on Vacation. In addition, I lost the 30lbs
I am and will forever be grateful to Dr. Fei Fei Lu for her expertise and heartfelt caring in healing my body and will always recommend her to my family, friends or to anyone who needs to get out of pain and into to pleasure.
Lori Yates
-Almost immediately normal body temp,no night sewats,no menopause smptoms,lots of energy
-Year later no flooding, weight loss, fibroid is shrinking, feeling better than I have in many years
- Wish I had done this ten years earlier and had avoided all these problems!
Yuanna Ramon
“I am walking like a duck; I just don’t do quack-quack...” I was telling my co-worker, after my first MS attack in late 2007.
“Why don’t you try acupuncture?” she suggested as a wife of a medical doctor with strong believes in alternative and preventive medicine. So, one day at the beginning of 2008, wobbling at my mother’s arm, I stepped in Dr. Lu’s office located just a few minutes away from where I lived.
At the end of the session I was amazed at the clear beauty of the colors around me that I forgot about in my blurred, lightly double universe where MS teleported me few months before. On my way home I enjoyed walking with relaxed leg muscles...
Slowly, 6 months later, I was able to read again, listen to my mp3-player, ride the bicycle, sign the bills...
Since then I’ve been relying on Dr. Lu’s help with managing the fluctuations of my MS symptoms.
Dr. Lu has also prescribed a Chinese herbal formula to complement the acupuncture treatment. I can feel the difference when I miss my dose.
Breast Pain
After a rather bad experience with Mirena IUD I was left with different breast issues. The mammography, the ultrasound and the breast thermography didn’t reveal anything abnormal with my breasts. The specialist suggested induced menopause for a couple of months or some other hormone therapy. But playing with my hormones to avoid unplanned pregnancy was actually the cause.
Dr. Lu helped with my breasts too: in the beginning with acupuncture for pain and then with herbal formulas to balance the hormones in my breasts. My left nipple doesn’t look irritated anymore.
Positive Side Effect
No crow’s feet around my eyes due to the needles that take “care” of my vision!
P.S. I appreciated a lot that at my first appointment Dr. Lu told me humbly that acupuncture may work or not for me. She didn’t promise me miracles.
She is a soft, compassionate and caring professional.
Allan Chrenek
I’ve always had an interest in acupuncture and finally decided to give it a try. I was fortunate to find Fei Fei, with her medical background and depth of practice, she gave me a sense of confidence that I was in good hands. Fei has been able to cure ailments such as a sore back and severe tennis elbow in addition to providing stress relief and relaxation. I’ve been grinding my teeth at night, I believe mostly due to stress, and Fei Fei was able to provide relief. I feel very relaxed after an appointment and my jaw hasn’t progressed into that sore and uncomfortable state it was usually in. My body awareness has increased so when I’m feeling a little off or stressed I go in for a tune up and Fei Fei gets things flowing again, it feels great. I’ve recommended friends in the past and they have all had positive results especially in her area of specialty, fertility. If you’re thinking about a preventative health program or have some aches and pains Fei Fei can help you!
Henry Haeusler
In May 2008 I got injured in a soccer game. One player hit my left knee badly, it damaged my lateral ligament. The pain was so severe that I could hardly walk. After a couple of weeks of resting the pain subsided and I could walk and ride my bicycle again.
Last winter the pain came back. I run a soccer academy, during the indoor season I had to do a lot of training with teams for three to seven hours a day, seven days a week. With the worsening knee pain, every step was a struggle…
In February 2010 I met Dr. Fei Fei Lu, she suggested acupuncture treatment. I was impressed and decided to try the treatment after the initial consultation. After only a couple of treatments the pain was gone and I could really enjoy my practices again. Now I’m still having acupuncture treatment once a week to twice a month to maintain the good results and to prevent further injuries.
Thank you so much Dr. Fei Fei Lu for helping me to be able to keeping up with my business and sports activities.
Henry Haeusle------Head Coach and Technical Director of High Performance Soccer Academy
Henry Haeusler
After Dr. Fei Fei Lu helped with my injured knee, I was very much impressed and wanted to know more about what TCM and Acupuncture can do for me…
When I checked out about “facial rejuvenation” from her clinic information kit, it waked my interest . . . to look younger than my age? . . . Oh yes, that was what I needed to do!
I started the facial treatment once a week and I realized changes after three weeks. After each treatment I felt that my skin was tightened and also relaxed, the wrinkles were starting to diminish. Now I’m still going once a week for the treatment and the result makes me happy. I’ve never thought that I could look younger when I grow older. I really enjoy to compare the older pictures of mine with great joy and proud.
In the same time when I started facial treatment, Dr. Fei suggested a change of eating and drinking habit as well as ways of preparing food to support the results. A couple weeks ago I noticed that my hair started to grow back in areas where it was already gone. I’m looking forward very positively to continue the treatment because I know that I’ll get all the very good results.
Thank you so much Dr. Fei Fei Lu for helping me to look and for sure to feel better and younger!