Acupuncture-TCM Massage Clinic

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How to Treat Depression… Naturally

Depression is a debilitating condition that affects many people. If you wonder how to treat depression naturally, you may have stumbled onto an ideal solution: treating depression with acupuncture and TCM.

Acupuncture for Depression vs Depression Medication

The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that acupuncture compares favourably with depression medication and drugs, with the added benefit that acupuncture has no side effects. Acupuncture is effective and cost efficient. Click here for more information from the WHO.

Going from Drugs to a Natural Treatment

If you are already taking drugs to treat depression, you shouldn’t stop suddenly. We recommend that you consult with your family doctor and our clinic to have a proper Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis done by Dr. Lu. She will then start a personalized acupuncture treatment, which may be combined with herbal therapy. She will then follow your progress through regular consultations.

Patients often notice improvement after just one session. Some depressed patients notice a significant improvement in their sleep patterns immediately after receiving their first acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture and Depression

Acupuncture can be used to treat many different types of depression:

It is also very effective in treating or preventing other psychological or mental conditions such as dementia, schizophrenia, stress, panic attacks, fatigue, addictions, phobias, insomnia, etc.

How is Traditional Chinese Medicine Related to Depression?

Ingrained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complex and immaterial concept called Wushen or Five Spirits. According to Taoist beliefs, these five spirits reside in our Organs (not our real organs) during our life and return to the divine realm when we pass away and they are closely related to our emotions.

These spirits represent the most ephemeral vibration of our vital energy, Qi, and they are the energetic expression of our neurological and psychic processes. They are also related to the five elements used in Feng Shui and in various other Chinese systems (fire, wood, earth, metal and water).

When these Five Elements or Five Spirits are disturbed, misaligned or unbalanced, physical, emotional, psychological and/or psychosomatic problems can occur. Depression is one of the possible conditions resulting from such an imbalance or disturbance. By rebalancing your mind, body and spirit through acupuncture and TCM, you can once again enjoy life to the fullest. Learn more about TCM and acupuncture here.

If you require additional information or clarification, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Lu who will be pleased to discuss how acupuncture and TCM can be used to treat depression.





How to Increase Fertility Naturally

Want to start a family but are having difficulty conceiving?

Are you wondering how to increase your fertility?

Let Dr. Fei Fei Lu help you like she’s helped so many men and women. She can help you improve your fertility naturally with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. She also provides support treatments for patients who are undergoing IVF/IUI procedures at a Calgary fertility clinic.

Dr. Lu Can Improve Your Fertility with TCM 

When you come to her clinic, Dr. Lu will discuss your personal health history and current conditions. She will then perform a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis, which will allow her to determine the personalized treatment plan that will rebalance your body, mind and spirit while improving your fertility.

According to TCM, infertility is commonly caused by an imbalance between yin and yang, kidney deficiency, liver Qi stagnation, dampness, phlegm blockage, Blood deficiency or stagnation.  These terms are related to key TCM concepts that pertain to the overall balance of mind, body and spirit, your flow of vital energy (Qi), your body fluids that are acted upon and energized by Qi (Blood), and various conceptual Organs.

Acupuncture and fertility

Many medical studies have been done on the effects of acupuncture to help both men and women improve their fertility. Like in other acupuncture treatments, very fine sterilized needles are inserted in specific points.  These acupuncture points (or acupoints) are located along your body’s Meridians, which can be thought of as virtual rivers of Qi.  The needles are used to remove Qi and/or Blood stagnation or blockages caused by dampness or phlegm and/or to nourish or reinforce deficiencies. The goal is to achieve your overall health and balance and to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Treatment for Female Infertility

For many women, fertility is an important issue.  Some are determined to “beat the biological clock,” which only serves to increase stress levels, and therefore reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.  If you visit a fertility clinic, you may be asked to start an Assisted Reproduction Therapy (ART), which is better known as a hormonal treatment.  In a well-known German study1 involving 80 patients, 42.5% of women receiving ART and acupuncture treatments became pregnant compared to only 26.3% of those with ART alone.   Some experts suggest that using a consistent and customized acupuncture treatment combined with herbal therapy could improve the success rate to 75%2.

One of Dr. Lu’s patients went from being a “clinic failure” who would “never be able to conceive” to being the proud mother of fraternal twins, thanks to Dr. Lu’s acupuncture treatments and herbal medicine.  Read her acupuncture success story here.

Another patient, a 40-year old woman who had been trying to conceive for 3 years, finally became pregnant after receiving Dr. Lu’s acupuncture treatments and modifying her lifestyle and diet as per Dr. Lu’s recommendations. Read her fertility success story here..

Treatments for All Fertility and Hormonal Stages

With TCM, Dr. Lu can be there for you every step of the way.  She can help you with the following aspects of female fertility:

  • Menstruation: Regulate your period, ovulation time and reduce PMS symptoms. 
  • Hormonal Balance: If you are undergoing hormonal therapy, TCM can be used to alleviate or eliminate unwanted side effects like hot flashes, mood swings, irritability and insomnia.
  • Conception: Increase blood flow to the uterus, increase the production and quality of follicles (eggs), reduce stress, regulate hormones and increase the uterine lining, which all serve to improve the likelihood of embryo implantation.
  • Pregnancy: Regulate hormones, reduce morning sickness, improve your mood and prevent miscarriage.
  • Pre-delivery: In case of a breech baby, returning the baby to the head-first position for a normal delivery.
  • Post-delivery: Increase milk production and decrease the likelihood of and eliminate post-partum depression.

Acupuncture and IVF Support

Many acupuncture studies have been done to support the use of acupuncture in treating female infertility.  For example, a study determined that acupuncture may be useful with agents for ovarian stimulation in producing follicles in women undergoing IVF3.

Acupuncture Treatment for Male Infertility

Many studies have shown that acupuncture can improve male fertility by increasing sperm count, sperm motility and the ratio of normal sperm within a given sample. Here are two examples:

  • Acupuncture has been deemed beneficial when treating infertile males, especially in improving sperm quality4.
  • Acupuncture treatments may be useful as a non-traumatic treatment for males with very poor sperm density5.

When Should You Consult?

If you are planning on using IVF, it is recommended to consult at least 4 weeks prior to embryo implantation.  Dr. Lu can treat both of you or just you or your partner, depending on your specific situation, but both partners are welcomed to come together or book separate appointments.  Men should start receiving treatment 3 months before sperm donation.

Acupuncture can be used in addition to or instead of hormonal treatments or other fertility treatments.  Contact Dr. Lu to receive personalized advice.

Did You Know?

During her many years of successfully treating men and women’s infertility problems in China, Dr. Lu’s patients nicknamed her Song Zi Guan Yin, after an ancient Buddhist fertility goddess.  Her nickname can be roughly translated as The Maiden Who Brings Children.

Since moving her practice to Canada and helping mostly English-speaking patients, her nickname is not used as much anymore, but the phone calls, hugs and letters of gratitude she receives on a regular basis stand to prove she’s still worthy of her title!


1. Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy by Wolfgang E. Paulus, M.D., Mingmin Zhang, M.D., Erwin Strehler, M.D., Imam El-Danasouri, Ph.D., and Karl Sterzik, M.D., Christian-Lauritzen-Institut, Ulm, Germany, published in Fertility and Sterility® in 2002. 
2. Fully Fertile, A Holistic 12-Week Plan for Optimal Fertility, by Tamara Quinn, Elisabeth Heller & Jeanie Lee Bussell, published by Findhorn Press, 2008.
3. Acupuncture treatment for infertile women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection by Sandra L. Emmons, M.D., and Phillip Patton, M.D., published in Medical Acupuncture: A Journal for Physicians in Spring/Summer 2000.
4. Quantitative evaluation of spermatozoa ultrastructure after acupuncture treatment for idiopathic male infertility by Jian Pei, Ph.D., Erwin Strehler, M.D., Ulrich Noss, M.D., Markus Abt, Ph.D., Paola Piomboni, Ph.D., Baccio Baccetti, Ph.D., Karl Sterzik, M.D. Christian-Lauritzen-Institut, Elm, IVF center Munich, Germany and Department of General Biology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy,  published in Fertility and Sterility® in July 2005.
5. Does acupuncture treatment affect sperm density in males with very low sperm count? A pilot study by Siterman S, Eltes F, Wolfson V, Lederman H, Bartoov B, Institute of Chinese Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel, published in Andrologia in January 2000.

Preventing & Treating Dementia

If you have a family history of early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you likely want to reduce the odds of suffering from it.  Fortunately, acupuncture and TCM can help in treating or preventing dementia.

What is Dementia? 

Dementia isn’t a disease per se, but it’s used to describe a group of symptoms that interfere with a person’s daily life intellectually and socially.  Many types of dementia exist and Alzheimer’s disease is the most common one.

Many people associate memory loss with dementia, but it is not the only symptom.  If you start to forget things or names, it doesn’t mean you have dementia! In order to be diagnosed with dementia, you need to display problems with two or more brain functions (impaired speech, impaired judgment, memory loss, etc.). Most dementia patients will experience a change in personality and in the way they interact with their surroundings in social situations.

The good news is that some causes of dementia can be treated and are reversible!

Prevent Dementia with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs 

Prevention and early intervention are highly recommended when it comes to dementia.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in preventing dementia and it can also help stabilize or even reduce the progression of symptoms once dementia has started.

Based on your family history, personal health, medical history, current condition and a physical examination, a treatment plan will be given to combine acupuncture and herbal formula to prevent dementia.  Dr. Lu can also recommend certain changes to your diet and lifestyle in order to improve the balance of your body, mind and spirit. The overall goal of the treatment will be to improve your health and wellbeing to prevent dementia and other illnesses.

Already Suffering From Dementia?

While their effectiveness is greater at preventing dementia, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can also be used to treat and stabilize several types of dementia. Chinese herbs are the most cost effective way for treating dementia.  The exact blend of herbs recommended for you will be based on your specific condition and imbalances.

Because of her experience with Western Medicine, Dr. Lu can work with a patient’s existing pharmaceutical drug treatment and help to reduce or eliminate any side effects.  She can also recommend Chinese herbs that will support the existing drug treatment and better treat dementia.

Patients suffering from dementia should consult a TCM doctor regularly to ensure their prescribed herbs are still appropriate. Any progression or regression in their condition could require adjustments in their herbal formulas or other diet adjustments to optimize the patient’s balance of yin and yang and improve their overall health.

When Should You Consult?

If you have a family history of dementia and seek ways to prevent it or if you have been diagnosed with dementia, acupuncture and TCM can help.

Book a consultation today and Dr. Lu will give you personalized advice based on your family history and the current imbalances in your mind, body and spirit.




Facial Rejuvenation Without Surgery

If you would like to improve your complexion and skin elasticity, facial rejuvenation acupuncture may be the natural solution you are looking for.

Cosmetic Surgery vs. Acupuncture for Face Lifts  

While cosmetic surgery can sometimes provide superb results, the risks are high for your health, your wallet and the final aesthetic results.

On the other hand, acupuncture cannot completely erase 60 years off a person’s face but many men and women have successfully used facial acupuncture to significantly decrease the appearance of wrinkles, to improve complexion and to tone lax muscles.

How Does Acupuncture for Facial Rejuvenation work? 

Acupuncture works by locally invigorating your Qi and your Blood.  By doing so, facial rejuvenation acupuncture promotes lymph drainage and creates new cellular growth, which serves to improve your complexion and facial muscle tone while reducing fine lines.

Dr. Lu can create personalized treatments for men and women of all ages. Facial rejuvenation treatments may include acupuncture, acupressure (without needles), electro-acupuncture and/or herbal masks.

What Results Can You Expect from Facial Rejuvenation? 

Results are cumulative and will vary for each person. Generally speaking, patients start to see results within a few sessions and experience a significant difference after 6 to 10 sessions. Their friends and family often remark that they look brighter and younger.

Some of Dr. Lu’s patients have been so pleased that they’ve cancelled their planned cosmetic surgeries after seeing what facial rejuvenation acupuncture did for them.

On top of the noticeable changes on your face, you will likely experience an overall improvement in your health and mind as acupuncture affects your entire mind, body and spirit.

If you want to look younger and bring out your inner beauty and radiance, call Dr. Lu today to schedule a consultation.

Acupuncture for Acne, Pimples, Dry Skin and More

Acupuncture is also commonly used to treat teenagers and adults with various skin problems.  Unfortunately for those who have acne, several acne medications have serious side effects that prevent them from being in the sun.

Acne acupuncture doesn’t have any side effects and a surprising amount of research suggests that it is highly effective.  For example, in 1990, the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine published a paper describing the results of a clinical study done in China with 80 people suffering from acne1. Each patient received a personalized acupuncture treatment. 62% of these 80 patients were “clinically cured”, i.e., their skin cleared and their other symptoms were under control.

In a different study published in 19932, 98 people ranging from ages 15 to 28 received acne acupuncture treatments.  During this study, they had an acupuncture session every 2 to 3 days for 3 weeks.  55% were considered cured, 43% improved and 2% did not see a change in their condition.

Acupuncture and herbal therapy can treat many other skin conditions such as rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and dry or itchy skin.  Contact Dr. Lu today to book a consultation and discuss what acupuncture and Chinese herbs could do for you or your family.

1 Treatment of facial skin diseases with acupuncture. A report of 129 cases by Yihou, X. ,  published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1990; 10(1):22-25. 
2 Treatment of adolescent acne with acupuncture by Jin L., published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993;13(3):187-188.

Sports Injuries


Ease the Pain with Acupuncture and Massages


Do you suffer from sports injuries? While painkillers may offer temporary relief, you need to address the root cause of your pain.

Dr. Lu’s clinic offers acupuncture, therapeutic massages and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which can treat the root cause of your problem and help you enjoy sports painfree.

Sports and Injuries

Competitive sports increase the risk of injury. When professional athletes and sports enthusiasts get hurt, they must seek therapy and heal their injury as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming chronic conditions and resulting in irreversible damage.

Acupuncture, massages and Chinese herbal medicine can reduce or eliminate joint pain, swelling and inflammation around the injured area. They can also stop muscle spasms and eliminate cramps or any throbbing sensation you may be experiencing. In addition to pain relief, acupuncture can also help you relax and improve your overall health.

How Can Acupuncture Treat Sports Injuries?

Acupuncture can release endorphins (your natural feel-good chemicals) and the analgesic effects of acupuncture peak long after acupuncture stimulation1. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture is a very effective way to treat physical pain and discomfort by acting on your body’s energy system, which consists of Qi and the body fluids that are acted upon by Qi which are known as Jin and Blood.

While Qi and Blood cannot be seen or be compared to a specific anatomical component used in conventional Medicine, they are key components of TCM. Qi is your vital energy that flows through Meridians to reach all the important TCM Organs. Blood and Jin flow within your actual blood vessels and Meridians. Blood and Qi play an important and synergistic role in treating sports injuries. In Chinese medicine, a sports injury involves a Qi and Blood stagnation and may be complicated by dampness, cold or deficient conditions.

When Dr. Lu treats an acute or chronic sports injury, a general assessment of the patient’s health is first conducted, followed by a localized Qi and Blood flow assessment. During the acupuncture session, ultra-thin needles are strategically inserted in specific influential points along your Meridians to unblock your Qi and Blood flow and remove the stagnation.

Possible Treatments for Sports Injuries

During your initial consultation, Dr. Lu will discuss your current condition and perform the traditional Chinese diagnosis, which will determine the best treatment for your specific sports injury. In most cases, a combination of acupuncture and therapeutic massages will be suggested.

In certain cases, acupressure, TDP heat and herbal remedies can also be used:

  • Acupressure is similar to acupuncture except that finger pressure is used instead of needles.
  • TDP heat is the use of a special electromagnetic lamp that enhances the benefits of acupuncture.
  • Herbal creams and ointments can be massaged into the skin to speed up healing.

Contact Dr. Lu and book your appointment today!

“Fei has been able to cure a sore back and severe tennis elbow in addition to providing stress relief and relaxation. If you’re thinking about a preventative health program or have some aches and pains, Fei Fei can help you!” - Allan Chrenek


1. D.D. Price, A. Raii, L.R. Watkins, B. Buckingham, A psychophysical analysis of acupuncture analgesia, Pain 19 (1984) 27-42.

How to Improve Your Health & Restore Your Inner Balance

Even if you feel fine today, you may want to learn how to improve your health to prevent illnesses and health issues in the future.

Your body is a magnificent machine. Think of all the work it does on a daily basis!  Unfortunately our bodies age with time and the way we treat ourselves will have consequences down the line.

The same holds true for our mind and spirit.  In order to live well and enjoy great physical, emotional and mental health, we need to optimize our health today. Acupuncture can help us achieve our goal.

It’s All About Balance! 

We say, “Enjoy everything in moderation” and the Chinese say, “Yin and Yang.”

In order to function properly, our body, mind and spirit must be balanced.  Everything we do, from the food we eat, the words we speak, the things we do, to the thoughts we have affect our life.  The most important principle in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is balance.  Acupuncture, Qi Gong and all other TCM techniques aim at readjusting the flow of Qi (our vital energy) and restoring the balance between yin and yang within our body.

Get Regular Body Tune-Ups 

Many of us go to the dentist twice a year to ensure our teeth are in good condition.  Why wouldn’t we treat our body with the same respect and care?  It is recommended to consult an acupuncturist or TCM practitioner monthly to receive a TCM check-up and a body tune-up.

Such diagnosis can be very useful in pre-diagnosing illnesses or serious diseases like cancer.  If Dr. Lu suspects a problem, she will recommend that you contact your family doctor and request blood work or specific tests.  Early diagnosis can make a huge difference in the likelihood of recovery!

For most people, a TCM diagnosis is a wonderful way to steer your life in the right direction by making small changes to your diet and lifestyle and by fixing any imbalance to improve your overall health and wellness.

Detox and Prevention

Because of our industrial and fast-paced lifestyles, our bodies are exposed to different chemicals, toxins and various types of stress on a daily basis.  These toxins and the side effects of stress accumulate in our body.  Sooner or later, they will result in a physical, emotional or mental manifestation of a serious problem.

By detoxing your body with acupuncture and/or herbal medicine, you can re-establish a healthy balance for your body, mind and spirit. It is much easier to prevent a problem than it is to fix its various physical and psychological ramifications.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Many of us don’t feel as invigorated and energetic during the winter.  The lack of sunshine and vitamin D affects us.  If you suffer from SAD, a winter body tune-up should do wonders in bringing back your smile and appetite for life.

But SAD isn’t the only thing affecting our bodies and minds with changing seasons. According to TCM, our bodies react differently to changing seasons.  People with Yin constitutions need to strengthen their Yang energy before winter; those with Yang constitutions need to build up their Yin before summer. People with Wind constitutions need to reinforce their Blood before spring; those with Dry constitutions need to intensify their Body fluids before fall.

Dr. Lu can perform a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis to determine which type you are.  With this information, she will then recommend the most useful treatment for you. She will be able to offer diet suggestions to optimize your health and wellbeing during specific seasons.  Contact Dr. Lu today to book your body tune-up treatment.


Growing Pains in Children

How to Ease Pain Associated With Growth Spurts


Does your child complain about leg pains? Growing pains in children are often ignored and untreated but there is an all-natural solution to eliminate your child’s discomfort.


What Are Growing Pains?

For many children, growing pains are most experienced at night.  Your child may wake up in tears in the middle of the night and complain about leg pains without any apparent reason.  Most times, the pain disappears by morning but may come back in the afternoon or late in the evening.  Growing pains are caused by tendons not growing as quickly as the attached bones, which puts the respective muscles under stress.

If your child is old enough to pinpoint the pain, it may be described as an ache or throb in the legs, mostly behind the knees or in the front of the thighs and calves.  Growing pains can start as infant growth spurts but are most frequent between 2 to 12 years of age.  Some believe they are most common in girls than in boys. They normally disappear by adulthood.

Growing Pain Relief with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Dr. Lu offers pain relief when children experience painful growth spurts, growing pains or other joint pain.  In fact, acupuncture, acupressure and herbal therapy are all very useful in treating various joint pains and musculo-skeletal disorders such as arthritis, bursitis, fibrositis, injured joints, etc.

TCM diagnoses for growing pains are very different from those you would receive from a Western doctor.  Acupuncturists and other TCM practitioners will examine the patient and categorize the pain based on a excessive or deficient condition as well as wind, heat, cold, damp or phlegm.  These concepts are part of the intricate complexities of Chinese medicine and relate to Qi, Blood and Organs.

Growing Pain Treatments with TCM

Dr. Lu will meet with you and your child and complete her TCM diagnosis to determine what imbalance is causing the pain. She will then offer a personalized treatment based on your child’s condition and age.  The parent is asked to stay with the child during the examination and treatments if the child is under 12 years old.

For young children, Dr. Lu normally treats growing pains with a combination of acupressure and herbal tea.  For older children, acupuncture and herbal tea are normally used.  Therapeutic massages can sometimes be used, depending on the child’s exact problem.

The effects of acupressure and acupuncture on pain are heavily documented and well recognized throughout the world. Acupressure is a great alternative for children who may be scared of needles.  During an acupressure treatment, finger pressure is used to energize specific acupuncture points.

Best of all, acupuncture, acupressure, massages and herbal therapy are 100% natural and will not cause side effects.

You can ease your child’s growing pains. Contact Dr. Lu to book a consultation today.